Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cable Install

I gave up on Time Warner. I've made several phone calls to their Customer Service line and no one will call me back to schedule a line install. Since Cox already has a line to our new house, I called them and got a comparable package ordered; the installation will happen tomorrow. For my original Time Warner order, I had to wait 10 days for an installation appointment.

For my parents, I ordered Zhong Tian pay TV channel which is mostly programming from Taiwan. The Cox CS guy was telling me that I get CCTV-4 and CCTV-9 with the basic cable package. I spent a lot of time flipping past those channels in China so I'm not really interested in watching them here in the US. What I really want is KBS or SBS from Korea but Cox doesn't have anything, free or pay. Maybe I'll start watching the Chinese stuff.


Ha ha, Time Warner showed up this morning (Thursday) unannounced to dig up our yard. They were supposed to call me to schedule an appointment but they never did. I ended up with about the same package as Cox but Time Warner would have given me a discount for 24 months instead of 6 with Cox. I thought about letting them dig and canceling but I'm still pissed that I called them three times without getting a response.


The Cox install guy is still at the house. He's been there for over 2 hours and only the phone has been installed. My parents said he was messing around outside at the junction box forever. Maybe they get paid by the hour instead of by job like Time Warner contractors.

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