Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Credit Card Fraud

Some scumbag managed to steal my credit card number and charged $200 at a Walmart in Missouri today. I got a call from my credit card company, checking on a few transactions. Actually there was another $200+ transaction at another Walmart that didn't go through yet. The bank assured me that I wouldn't be responsible for the two charges but I still feel violated nevertheless. I'm not sure where they got my number from since most of my transactions are local and pretty regular (PeiWei!). The only one-off transaction recently is to refill my laundry card; I think the company is somewhere in the Midwest. Otherwise someone managed to hack into an online retailer's transaction database... I buy a lot of stuff from Amazon. Anyway, they canceled my credit card and I will get a replacement in a few days. Until then, I'm back to using cash.

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