Monday, March 14, 2005

NewSong NorthOC

This past Sunday was the 2nd NorthOC NewSong service. This time, the service was held in Plummer Auditorium in Fullerton; the auditorium is part of Fullerton Union High School. I was looking forward to hearing the Steve Fee band and the speakers, but I ended up running sound for the children's ministry. Evidently they needed someone to run their PowerPoint slides and sound effects CD and I got drafted. I just hope that they taped the main service so I can get a copy of the message.

We started the day at 5:30am and didn't get done until 1:30pm. I also helped load equipment on to the truck on Saturday for 3-4 hours. I realize you want to do the best job possible but I'm wondering if all this work is overkill. To look at it another way, is spending all this money for one service the best use of resources? I'm not sure how much NewSong spent but it has to be in the many thousands.

Kids (K-4) dancing to some worship songs.

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