Wednesday, April 4, 2007

There's always an encore!

This the closing song at Jane Zhang's concert.

After the concert was "over", Jane walked off the stage. It was kinda weird since she ended on a slow song... usually you want to finish big. At this point, the audience is supposed to applaud and cheer in order to bring the artist back on stage to perform some more. At this concert however, most of the audience just sat there and some people even got up to leave. Anyway, after about a minute of awkward (relative) silence, Jane came back on stage to sing two more songs. At least we were cheering and Fred was holding up his lighted Jane sign (which he had to return at the end of the concert).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like jane too...
so, can you give me your msn? or qq?
you can leave message for me at
