Thursday, January 16, 2014

Where Can I Steal Some Books?

So I'm taking an online class through edX. The course is CS50x, an online version of CS50 (Computer Science) at Harvard University. I'm only on week 3 (started with week 0) and so far it's been good. There is a lot of resources online through videos and social media.

Of course, the class has a Facebook page. I found this earlier:

I mean, sure, no one wants to buy a book if you can just download it online, but one shouldn't broadcast it to the world. The comments to the post are also hilarious:

JO: Pls send to my e-mail The files I got are corrupt. Also how do we know the exact author David wants us to read from?

JH: so this torrent is like a zipped file and the uTorrent is like WinZip?

DK: Just google it. Did you try that? And as for the extract author, is that a joke?

JO: Different authors can write different books with the same name especially in the IT world

DK: He gives the exact titles, editions, with the exact authors in the syllabus.

JH: so its like a compressed file...and the uTorrent is the tool used to decompress it?

I don't want to judge, sigh... but the original poster is from Nigeria. Also, reading his profile, it says he has a BS degree in Computer Science in 2012. Really?! Aren't you supposed to learn C or several languages? Also, it appears he didn't even read the syllabus.

Perhaps what is acceptable in public discourse is different nowadays.

More AOA "Eye Contact"

These are great!